How to Say School Transcript in Spanish: Formal and Informal Ways

Learning how to say “school transcript” in Spanish can be helpful when navigating academic or professional settings, especially if you find yourself in a Spanish-speaking country or interacting with Spanish speakers. In this guide, we will explore both formal and informal ways to express this term, providing tips, examples, and even touching upon regional variations when necessary.

Formal Ways to Say School Transcript in Spanish

When it comes to more formal contexts, such as official documents or professional communications, it’s important to use the appropriate terminology. Here are a few phrases you can use to convey “school transcript” formally:

  1. Historial académico: This is a common expression used to refer to an official school transcript. It is widely understood across different Spanish-speaking regions.
  2. Expediente académico: Another formal term that translates to “academic record” or “student record.” Use this phrase in more bureaucratic or official settings.
  3. Hoja de calificaciones: While primarily used in some Latin American countries, this phrase also covers the concept of a school transcript.

Informal Ways to Say School Transcript in Spanish

In less formal situations, when talking to friends, classmates, or in casual conversations, you can use the following alternatives:

  1. Boletín de notas: Commonly used in conversation, this phrase refers to a report card but can be loosely used to indicate a school transcript as well.
  2. Notas oficiales: While slightly less common, this expression can be used to refer to official grades or a transcript more informally.
  3. Certificado de estudios: Although not as commonly used as the previous options, this phrase can convey the idea of a school transcript in a more informal setting.

Regional Variations

Spanish is a diverse language with regional variations in vocabulary and expressions. Here are a few regional variations of how to say “school transcript” in Spanish:

In some parts of Mexico, you might hear the term historial académico constancias which combines the notion of an academic record or transcript with proof or certificates of completion.

Tips for using these phrases:

Now that we have covered the different ways to say “school transcript” in Spanish, let’s provide some tips to help you use these phrases correctly:

  • Context Matters: The choice of terminology depends on the context. Assess the formality of the situation before deciding which phrase to use.
  • Pay Attention to Your Audience: Consider who you are talking to and adapt your language accordingly. For formal interactions, stick to more common and formal expressions.
  • Be Clear: When discussing academic documents, it’s essential to be clear in your communication. Double-check that the person you are speaking with understands the specific type of document you are referring to.
  • Ask for Clarification if Unsure: If you are unsure about the most appropriate term to use, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification. People are usually understanding and willing to help.


Here are a few examples that demonstrate the use of these phrases in various contexts:

  • Formal Example: Mañana deberé presentar mi historial académico para solicitar la admisión en la universidad. (Tomorrow I will need to submit my school transcript to apply for admission to the university.)
  • Informal Example: ¿Viste mis notas oficiales? ¡Obtuve una calificación excelente en matemáticas! (Did you see my official grades? I got an excellent grade in math!)
  • Regional Variation Example: Necesito inscribirme en esta escuela, ¿cuáles son los requisitos y el historial académico constancias que necesito proporcionar? (I need to enroll in this school, what are the requirements and academic records or certificates that I need to provide?)

Remember, understanding how to say “school transcript” in Spanish can enhance your communication skills and facilitate interactions within academic and professional environments. Practice using these phrases, adapt to your specific context, and enjoy your journey of learning the beautiful Spanish language!

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