How to Say “Denied” in Spanish: Formal and Informal Ways

Are you looking to expand your Spanish vocabulary? Learning how to say “denied” in Spanish is a handy skill to have, whether you’re traveling, working, or simply trying to communicate with Spanish speakers. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various formal and informal ways to express “denied” in Spanish, providing you with numerous tips, examples, and regional variations where applicable.

1. Formal Ways to Say “Denied” in Spanish

When it comes to formal situations, it is important to use appropriate language to convey the message without sounding rude or disrespectful. Here are a few formal phrases you can use to express “denied” in Spanish:

“Rechazado” – This is the most common and straightforward formal translation of the word “denied” in Spanish. It can be used in various formal contexts, such as official letters, legal documents, and administrative processes.


“Lamentamos informarle que su solicitud ha sido rechazada.” (We regret to inform you that your request has been denied.)

“Negado” – Another word commonly used in formal situations to indicate denial is “negado.” This term is also applicable in legal or bureaucratic contexts.


“El permiso de construcción ha sido negado debido a incumplimiento de regulaciones.” (The construction permit has been denied due to non-compliance with regulations.)

2. Informal Ways to Say “Denied” in Spanish

Informal language allows for a more casual and relaxed tone, which can be useful when communicating with peers, friends, or acquaintances. Here are a few informal ways to express “denied” in Spanish:

“No te lo han permitido” – If you want to convey the idea of being denied permission in an informal context, you can use this phrase. It translates to “they haven’t allowed it to you” or more simply, “you have been denied.”


“Te invité a la fiesta, pero no te lo han permitido.” (I invited you to the party, but you have been denied permission.)

“Han dicho que no” – This phrase can be used informally to express the simple concept of someone saying “no” or denying a request.


“Le pedí prestado su coche, pero han dicho que no.” (I asked to borrow his car, but they said no.)

3. Regional Variations

Spanish is a rich language that varies across different regions, and regional variations may influence the vocabulary used. While the phrases mentioned above are understood throughout the Spanish-speaking world, here are a few regional variations that you might encounter:

In some parts of Latin America, such as Mexico and Argentina, it is common to use the verb “denegar” instead of “rechazar” or “negar” to convey the formal sense of “denied.”


“El tribunal ha denegado la solicitud de apelación.” (The court has denied the appeal request.)

Another regional variation found in Spain is the use of the term “desestimar” as a formal synonym for “denied.”


“El juez ha desestimado la demanda por falta de pruebas.” (The judge has denied the claim due to lack of evidence.)


Congratulations! You have now learned various ways to say “denied” in Spanish, both formally and informally. Remember to consider the context and your relationship with the person you are communicating with to choose the most appropriate phrase. Language and its regional variations constantly evolve, so it’s always helpful to stay open to learning new vocabulary and expressions. Practice using the phrases provided in this guide, and soon you’ll be confidently expressing “denied” in Spanish in any situation you encounter.

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