How to Say Cosigner in Spanish: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you in need of a cosigner for a loan or a lease agreement, and you’re in a Spanish-speaking country or dealing with Spanish-speaking individuals? Knowing how to communicate the concept of a cosigner in Spanish can be extremely helpful. In this guide, we will explore how to say “cosigner” in Spanish, providing both formal and informal ways to express this term. We will also provide you with useful tips, examples, and variations when applicable. Let’s get started!

Formal Ways to Say Cosigner in Spanish

When it comes to formal situations, such as professional or legal settings, it is important to use the appropriate terminology. Here are some formal ways to say “cosigner” in Spanish:

1. Avalista

One formal term commonly used for “cosigner” in Spanish is “avalista.” This noun refers to a person who guaranties the fulfillment of obligations or the payment of a debt on behalf of someone else. For instance, if you’re applying for a loan, the lender may require an “avalista” to ensure repayment.


Juan necesita un avalista para firmar el contrato de arrendamiento del apartamento. (Juan needs a cosigner to sign the apartment lease agreement.)

2. Fiador

Another formal term you can use to refer to a cosigner is “fiador.” This noun is widely used in legal contexts and signifies a person who assumes responsibility for fulfilling the commitments of another person if they fail to do so. It is commonly employed in loan and rental agreements.


Necesitamos un fiador para otorgarle el préstamo. (We need a cosigner to grant him the loan.)

3. Codeudor

“Codeudor” is another formal term to express the concept of a cosigner. This noun denotes a person who shares responsibility for repaying a debt with another person. It is often used in financial and banking contexts where multiple individuals might be held accountable for loans or credit lines.


La entidad bancaria solicita un codeudor para aprobar el préstamo. (The bank requires a cosigner to approve the loan.)

Informal Ways to Say Cosigner in Spanish

In informal contexts or everyday conversations, you may come across alternative terms to refer to a cosigner. While these may not be as widely accepted in formal situations, they can still be helpful to know. Here are some informal ways to say “cosigner” in Spanish:

1. Aval

One informal term you can use to convey the idea of a cosigner is “aval.” This noun is derived from the formal term “avalista” mentioned earlier. While it is less commonly used in formal or legal settings, it is widely understood and employed in casual conversations or when discussing personal financial matters.


Si no puedo pagar el préstamo, mi hermano será mi aval. (If I can’t pay the loan, my brother will be my cosigner.)

2. Garante

Another informal term you can use to refer to a cosigner is “garante.” This noun is used particularly in Latin America to imply someone who guarantees or backs up a debt or commitment made by another person. While this term might not be as common in Spain, it is understood and accepted across different Spanish-speaking countries.


Me gustaría alquilar el apartamento, pero necesitaré un garante. (I would like to rent the apartment, but I will need a cosigner.)

Regional Variations

While the above terms are widely understood in many Spanish-speaking countries, regional variations do exist. These variations mainly include differences in vocabulary or colloquial terms used across different regions. However, the formal terms discussed earlier are more universally accepted across different Spanish-speaking countries. It is always a good idea to adapt your language based on your specific context or the region you find yourself in.

Tips for Using the Right Terminology

When using the term for “cosigner” in Spanish, it’s essential to consider the context and audience. Here are some tips to help you choose the right terminology:

  • 1. Identify the situation: Determine whether you are in a formal or informal situation to decide which term is most appropriate.
  • 2. Consider your audience: If you’re speaking or writing to professionals, it’s best to use the formal terms. However, in casual conversations with friends or family, informal terms may be more suitable.
  • 3. Seek local advice: If you’re unsure about the most appropriate term to use in a specific region, ask a local or seek advice from a native speaker.
  • 4. Use context clues: Pay attention to the terms used by others in similar situations, as they can guide you in selecting the right terminology.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to communicate effectively and choose the appropriate term for “cosigner” in Spanish based on your specific circumstances.


Knowing how to say “cosigner” in Spanish can prove valuable in various situations, especially when dealing with legal or financial matters. In this guide, we explored the formal terms “avalista,” “fiador,” and “codeudor,” as well as the informal terms “aval” and “garante.” Remember to adapt your language based on the context and audience, and seek local advice if you’re unsure about regional variations. By employing the right terminology, you can effectively communicate your needs and navigate situations requiring a cosigner in a Spanish-speaking environment.

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